OviOS vs CentOS with NFSv4.2 performance matchup

NFSv4.2 performance comparison between OviOS Linux and Centos Linux.

In this article I'll show the results of a performance test between OviOS Linux 3.02 (upgraded to kernel 4.14.99-OVIOS) and CentOS 7 (Minimal iso).

How to setup an OviOS HA cluster

This tutorial will show how to create a High Availability Storage Cluster for NFS, SMB and iSCSI, using OviOS Linux and the underlying ZFS on Linux storage file system.

Solaris / Illumos NAS in a mixed AD - NIS environemnt.

This tutorial demonstrates how to use a NAS based on Solaris or Illumos with SMB and NFS shares.

SIOC / StorageRM causes very high traffic on SAN datastores

Excessive and unexplained READs on iSCSI and FC datastores observed on ESXi hosts.

Migrate VMs in ESXi free version

ESXi free version is a great hypervisor for tests and labs, however it lacks some of the key features provided by VMWare's commercial products.

Disk Timeouts for SAN storage

During a failover from one node to the partner, VMs residing on NFS datastores or LUNs connected to Hypervisors (ESXi, RedHat, Hyper-V) can experience short disk timeouts, sometimes resulting in VMs being paused, IOs freezes or application crashes.

Create home directories at login

In some situations it is important that home directories are created at login if they don't exist. Such scenarios include NIS or AD authentication, or when a local user is created without the -m option.